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A Terrifying Proposal...

As a director you are always taught to "figure out what the play is" before you ever enter the rehearsal room. What is the style? What is the tone? You've most likely talked this over with your designers. You have ideas and solutions to scriptural anachronisms before you ever get into the room with actors.

LUNGS is the first play in a long time where I will enter the room knowing very few answers. We've picked an incredibly hard play for the inaugural Residency 9 program. Structurally it has fluidity with time and place. Character-wise, these are people that I believe that we all know, but may not love. I'm not sure if the audience will identify and root for these two individuals. As a director it is a scary place to be in. My solution to these anxieties is to work with three of the smartest, gifted, people that I know in a place where I have always felt supported and loved.

I cannot wait to get into the room with Tyee, Laura, and Cecilia. This play has been rattling around in my head for the better part of six months (if not longer) and I'm so looking forward to hearing these actors bring these characters to life. We'll learn so much in that first day and I can't wait to get to the lake and figure this thing out! We'll write more soon, but please feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or just take the journey with us.

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